Malaga City Spain Probably the most important Malaga tourist information you will read about on the net will be a list like the one we have put together here for you. What we have is a list of important numbers and contacts that will either make you stay run a little more smoothly, or help you out in a situation. While the chances are slim that anything will happen, it is … [Read more...] about Malaga Tourist Information
Map Of Estepona
Feel free to make use of the integrated map of Estepona kindly provided by Google. You have the ability to change map views by using the 3 buttons in the top right corner of the map. Estepona is a small seaside town which is well loved by tourists from around the world. The popular Estepona Marina which you can see to the South West is an active attraction, drawing in many … [Read more...] about Map Of Estepona
Village of Casares, situated in the Malaga province of Andalucia
Casares is a picture postcard village which sits on a hilltop between the Ronda mountains and the Costa del Sol. Its unique beauty earned it the status of a site of artistic and historic importance. Legend has it that its origins date back to Julius Ceasar who ordered its construction in gratitude for having been healed in the nearby waters of La Hedionda of a skin complaint … [Read more...] about Village of Casares, situated in the Malaga province of Andalucia
The Malaga Cathedral
The Malaga Cathedral is one of the largest cathedrals in the world. Other than the structure itself being strikingly beautiful, it is also home to many carvings, statues and paintings. Dominating the views from the castle is Malaga's half finished cathedral. Built on the site of an old mosque it has been nicknamed 'La Manquita', (One armed lady), as it has only one tower. The … [Read more...] about The Malaga Cathedral
Malaga City Bullring
La Malagueta bullring For those interested in bullfighting, you should visit the Malaga city bullring during the Feria de Malaga which is held in August. During the Malaga Fair week (or Feria de Agosto as it is also known) the best bullfighters in the whole of Spain will go to La Malagueta (Malagas bullring) for the some spectacular bullfighting. This bullring … [Read more...] about Malaga City Bullring