Semana Santa – Easter week processions compete with each other…
Semana Santa is celebrated during the week from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.
Easter week processions compete with each other, with their elaborate costumes and decorations.
The processions start at each of the towns churches with members of the religious brotherhoods (Hermandades) carrying their floats bearing religious statues (Pasos).
These ‘pasos’ are carried through the streets with regimented stops along the route.
It is quite common for singers in the crowd or from balconies bursting into emotional songs (Saettas) in praise of the Virgin.
The ‘pasos; are accompanied by ‘Los Penitentes’ who wear elaborate robes with high pointed cowls covering their faces.
The very heavy religious floats are sometimes carried by over one hundred men with a slow rocking gait accompanied by drum beat, incense and candles.
This is a serious religious event and fireworks, drinking and celebrating is frowned upon.
If you are visiting Seville – try to make it for the Semana Santa processions which are known to be the biggest and most famous in Spain.