Your baby looks adorable with pink cheeks from the sun. Those pink cheeks could be an indication of sun damage regardless of how healthy it makes your child look.
Exposure to the sun alters the skin which could manifest as freckles, a suntan or sunburn. Long term effects or exposure to the sun’s rays could appear years later as splotches, wrinkles or indeed as skin cancer. Research shows that the majority of skin cancer occurs as a result of over exposure to sunlight.
Children like adults need outdoor living to thrive but certain precautions are recommended.
* When going for strolls try to arrange it for early morning or early evening when the sun’s rays are weaker
* Make sure that the pushchair has a hood or brolly to provide adequate shade
* When sitting outside or by the pool or beach always look for a shaded area
* Use a cap or bonnet with a wide brim whenever the baby is outside
* Always ensure that the arms and legs are covered with light loose fitting clothes
* Make full use of sunscreen protection
Sunscreen products can be confusing given the wide selection available on the market. Start by using factor 15 or above. Avoid scented products as these can attract insects. On young skin, creams or lotions are preferable to gels or alcohol-based products.
Coat your baby’s skin liberally and evenly making sure to rub in well. Remember that most if not all of these products are not recommended for babies under six months who should have minimal exposure to the sun.