This can ruin a good holiday as anyone who’s ever suffered from diarrhea can vouch for. Tummy upsets tend to be more common on foreign holidays given that the food and drink consumed will contain different bacteria than what our bodies are accustomed to.
Diarrhea tends to occur when we inadvertently consume food or drink which is not properly prepared or contaminated. Poor sanitation can be a contributing factor but this is unlikely in Andalucia. However common sense must prevail and there are some simple steps that can be taken to avoid tummy upsets.
As far as food is concerned always ensure that the food is properly cooked. Raw vegetables and fruit that have been properly washed or peeled are no problem but do consume immediately or store in a fridge. Do not allow these items to remain in the sunshine for any length of time before consumption. Undercooked foods can also cause problems especially buffet style food that has been kept lukewarm for some time. Take care with fish or shellfish and always ensure that they are fresh and not re-frozen.
Water can be a source of problems so avoid drinking tap water and use bottled whenever possible. Tea or coffee which uses boiled water is safe to drink.
If unfortunately you do fall ill, make sure that you drink plenty of bottled water to replace the fluids that you lose. These simple precautions will greatly reduce the risks and allow you to have a pleasant and enjoyable holiday.