What can be better than arriving in a random town and realising that everyone is celebrating their local fiesta?
Most fiestas will include some sort of parade, which could be behind either some holy image or people in fancy costumes surrounded by gigantones, giant figures.
There are many festivals throughout the year in Andalucia, however one of the most well known celebrations in Spain is Semana Santa, Easter Week. It is very worthwhile coinciding your trip to Sevilla with semana santa as Sevilla holds one of the biggest celebrations during this week.
Malaga, Granada and Cordoba would also be great to visit around this time. Parades include huge floats of religious scenes which are carried down streets, along with weirdly hooded people. Other well-known and widely popular festivals in Andalucia are:
- Carnaval in Cadiz, which takes place mid-february
- An enormous feria in Sevilla, end of April
- Feria del Caballo in Jerez (Horse Fair), April/May
- Malagas’ great summer feria, mid-August.
These are not however the only events in Andalucia. I have put together a calendar of Andalucia’s main fiestas. Please note that dates can vary from year to year so please check this out closer to the date. The festivities will normally take place over the closest weekend to the date given. The Junta De Andalucia publishes a yearly Ferias y Fiestas de Andalucia guide, which you will find at tourist offices.
Please remember to book well in advance if you are planning to coincide your trip with some sort of festival as places will be packed.
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