This can ruin a good holiday as anyone who's ever suffered from diarrhea can vouch for. Tummy upsets tend to be more common on foreign holidays given that the food and drink consumed will contain different bacteria than what our bodies are accustomed to. Diarrhea tends to occur when we inadvertently consume food or drink which is not properly prepared or contaminated. Poor … [Read more...] about Healthy living – Tummy Trouble!
Protect you Baby from the Sun!
Your baby looks adorable with pink cheeks from the sun. Those pink cheeks could be an indication of sun damage regardless of how healthy it makes your child look. Exposure to the sun alters the skin which could manifest as freckles, a suntan or sunburn. Long term effects or exposure to the sun's rays could appear years later as splotches, wrinkles or indeed as skin cancer. … [Read more...] about Protect you Baby from the Sun!
Sun……Factor Not Fiction!!!
The sun - the main reason everybody loves to come to Spain. But without the right protection, the sun can be a killer. Everybody must be aware of their skin type and put on the correct cream or lotion in order to prevent sunburn and life threatening problems like skin cancer and skin disorders. What to apply? An average adult, who is five and a half feet tall, weighing … [Read more...] about Sun……Factor Not Fiction!!!
Water………………Look and Feel Great!
Summer is here bringing with it a welcomed increase in temperature. While you enjoy a day out by the pool or beach, you may be struck with the desire for a glass of icy cold water. This thirsty reminder should not be taken lightly as during the summer months a large percentage of adults can suffer from mild dehydration. That's why water consumption must be at the top of your … [Read more...] about Water………………Look and Feel Great!
Enjoy the Sun Sensibly!
Adults just like babies need to protect their skin from the sun. Certain basic precautions should be taken so as to avoid being burned by excessive exposure. The locals have a routine when going to the beach and most will avoid exposure between noon and 4pm. However, when on holiday we tend to indulge as much as we can of the good weather. When the sun is at its peak, you can … [Read more...] about Enjoy the Sun Sensibly!